100% WoolHand wash, may be dry cleaned
Ted Baker ABLOOM SS Regular Polo with Zip Natural | 940OLICMF
Ted Baker EWANN Regular SS T-shirt Bleumarin | 035OHNKPT
Ted Baker SNDBANK SS Regular Fit Towelling Polo Bleumarin | 045JFBRKZ
Ted Baker PRESHON SS Two Colour Textured Zip Polo Bleumarin | 753NUZRQL
Ted Baker MAHANA SS Regular T Stitched Polo Gri | 976UZXWTY
Ted Baker HOLLER SS Regular Printed Polo Natural | 162CWYXVO
Ted Baker ZARKES SS Regular Zip Polo Mid-pink | 495UKSOZF
Ted Baker USTEE SS Nep Polo with Cable Detail Mid-blue | 695LTNQYK